On December 7, 2014 we had our annual Year End Awards Banquet at the Putnam County Fairgrounds. We had a good turn out with lots of food and memories to share about the show season. It was great seeing some of our honorary members there and having a chance to catch up on life with them! A special thank you, to Ed and Pat Beams for bringing in the new edition of the Putnam County Indiana book, which includes old pictures of Bainbridge Saddle Club Members.
Congratulations to all of our new officers and to those who won top exhibitor awards! Below is a list of awards that were not picked up so be sure to pick up your awards at the next meeting! Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! 2015 Officers: President: Danny Burdine Vice-President: Ed Beams Secretary: Glenna Florence Treasurer: Denee Erwin Year End Awards: Samantha Strout: Reg. Horse Halter Non Quarter Over 56” Skylar Sinclair: Non-Reg. Horse Halter Over 56” & Horse/Pony Halter 56” & Under Natalie Stucky: Showmanship 15 & Over & English Pleasure 15 & Over Jonah Rissler: Lead line Walk Trot 9 & Under & Trail 9 & Under Emma Dickison: Walk Trot 10-14 Sherry Woodruff: Walk Trot 15 & Over Collista Herniter: Gated Western Riding All Ages Kasha Smith: All Age Pony Pleasure 56” & Under Jenny Kesler: Jack Benny/ Phyllis Diller Tristan Stewart: Rescue Race 14 & Under Payton Stewart: Rescue Race 14 & Under Kennedy Hays: Flags 9 & Under Mary Bousman: Flags 15 & Over Audrey Wehrman: English Equitation 14 & Under Lisa Pitts: Trail 15 & Over
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October 2015
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